The Kreativ Blogger Award comes with '7' tags. They are:
7 Things I Say More Often: Sweetheart (that’s what I call Mr G); Clean your room!; Sugar (when the kids are around); Shit (when the kids are not around); Bloody shit; When I was your age……; and Ya/Yup.
7 Things I Did Before: Worked four jobs; Ran a house; Read; Shopped; Had babies; Did two uni degrees; and Took Orders.
7 Things I Do Now: Still working (thank god not four jobs); still running a house; reading (though not much time for it); Shopping; Blogging; Collecting quality dinnerware; and Give orders!
PS: Thank god no more babies!
7 Things I Want to do: Win the lottery; Move to Queensland; Go on exotic holidays twice a year with money not being an issue; Own a house with land in the country with my own river and waterfall on the property; My masters in law (I am too lazy to go back to school); find the cure for obesity cos then I can eat whatever I like without repercussion (and the cure must not involve exercise!) and be smart - I am envious of all the clever people in the world!
7 Things That Attract Me About the Opposite Sex: Their eyes; smile; genuineness; must not be a slob; must not brag; a gentleman; and not adverse to housework!
7 Favourite Foods: Penang Char Kuey Teow; Ipoh Hor Fun; Sambal; Ayam Pati Ski; Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins; Banana Cake; and Chilli Crabs.
In keeping with the tradition, I would like to pass on these awards to:
Sis Ummi @ Home Sweet Home
Ms Jun @ Yummylicious
Ms Teresa @ Mexican-American Border Cooking
Ms Jan @ What do I want 2 cook today?
Ms Gert @ My Kitchen Snippets
Ms Farina @ Salt n Turmeric
Ms Zareena @ Sweet Bites 4 U
Ms Zue @ Zuraidah’s Recipe Collection
Ms Joanna @ Family First
Ms Usha @ Veg Inspiration
Ms Suhana @ Sweet and Savoury
Mamafami @ Spice n Splendour
Mr Mat Gebu @ Dapur Tanpa Sempadan
Ms Shafidah @ Somebody is Watching
Mr Rozzan @ Shared Recipes
Ms Bhawana @ Tastes of India
Ms Sripriya @ Srikar’s Kitchen
Ms Tina @ Mommy’s Kitchen
Ms Retno @ Kedai Hamburg
Ms Charming @ From My Humble Kitchen
Lemon Grass @ Salam Dua Benua
PureGlutton and
Taste of Home.
Enjoy your new awards and looking forward to reading your tags!
welcome back Dear.. Congrats on ur awards,, & thxs for passing me ...
thanks VG!! smooch! you're so nice! hope u had a good holiday :) btw, it's Jen from Tastes of Home :P
Thanks Priya and you are welcome.
Ahhh...we finally have a name, LOL. Yes JEN, I had a great holiday; wish it was longer :(
Enjoy your awards, my dear friends.
Hi VG.First of all congrats for all yr awards and u have a nice blog here. all yr slide shows are beautiful n enjoyed a lot.
Nice to know abt u thro meme.
Hi Adlak (It's Hema, if I am not mistaken, isn't it???)
Thank you for your well wishes and for visiting my blog. Glad you like my blog. Your blog is great too. I will be visiting you often, that's for sure...hope you will visit me too. Cheers, Vin
Hey THANKS for passing me the awards - i am so honoured! Never got any such awards before... so what do i do now?? Am i supposed to copy & paste them onto my blog and write about all those "7 Things"??
You are welcome and Yes, that's what you do.
Copy the pics; do a post and paste the pics on your blog; refer to the person that gave you the award/s (in other words, a link to their site); answer tags (if any) and then pass on the award/s to whoever you believe is deserving of the award/s. Enjoy your awards!
Thank you very much VG. I´m so honoured. Big hugs for you :))
You are welcome Retno. Hugs kembali.
OK...now i will have to think very hard about all those 7 things... more like 7x7 eh? Hehe...will post it when boss not around *wink* Thanks again for the honour!
VG, welcome back! I missed your quotes girl. I'm happy that you got to go on an adventure, but I sure am glad you're back. Thank you so much for the award. You are so sweet. Have a magnificent holiday weekend. Talk to you again soon.
Vin, thanks for the awards! There can never be enough time for holidays! lol.
Thanks Teresa. I have missed your mexican word of the day and your cooking. I told my hubby about your 'fascinate' joke and he could not control his laughter.
Hope you have a happy thanksgiving with your loved ones.
You are welcome Farina and you are right - never enough time to do the things you love, sigh!
Hi Vin, welcome back & hope u had a wonderful holiday. Congrats on all the awards and i know u deserve them. thanks for passing me the awards & i'll collect em soon. i'll write to u in a couple of days time.
Thank you Zareena and you are welcome. Looking forward to your e-mail.
Vin, thank youuu! :D
Hey VG, welcome back,your holiday pics are great, looks like you had a great time....congratulations on all of your awards and thanks for sharing them with me :-)
Thanks Usha. I did have a good time. It is my pleasure to pass on the awards to a worthy blogger like yourself. xo VG
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